Garbled Inferences 5
There was a great while that I tried to hold it together, but there were complications. For the people around me to not be affected I needed a deep focus; the implication of that focus was that I had to forget, but to forget and function properly in the now I needed assistance. So I brought along a couple of comrads, cohorts who would remember for me, but their assistence ultimately led to only more complications. Consider the issue, while not knowing thing was an adequate was to not conciously affect outcome, I disaffected continuity all around me. My enlisted friends would remind me what I knew and by dredging it up I would then remember, unfortuneately this affect did not last, because they'd test the limits of the stratagy and tell me things that I should not know, but in so doing will overtook knowledge and injected knowledge I had never learned or made true the things I had to come up with on my own, unmade true when forgotten. This had disasterous effects on the aforementioned continuity that I had worked quite so hard to sustain.
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