Thursday, May 20, 2004

Garbled Inferences VI

Hey, Drag, what the fuck man, you can't eat that moose!

Yeah, to hell and back with you Hop I'm sick of you shit, you can't eat that, you can't eat this. It just never quits with you - piss off.

And last time you ate moose, what happened last time?

So, I had some bad moose and vomited up blood last time, I just won't eat as much of the blood.

It wasn't his blood, it was your blood you bitch mule. You're not built to eat carrion, leave it to the professionals.

I'll get better you'll see and soon I'll be one of your so-called professionalls and you'll be all like, I wish I could eat moose as good as drag.

Piss off.

Garbled Inferences 5

There was a great while that I tried to hold it together, but there were complications. For the people around me to not be affected I needed a deep focus; the implication of that focus was that I had to forget, but to forget and function properly in the now I needed assistance. So I brought along a couple of comrads, cohorts who would remember for me, but their assistence ultimately led to only more complications. Consider the issue, while not knowing thing was an adequate was to not conciously affect outcome, I disaffected continuity all around me. My enlisted friends would remind me what I knew and by dredging it up I would then remember, unfortuneately this affect did not last, because they'd test the limits of the stratagy and tell me things that I should not know, but in so doing will overtook knowledge and injected knowledge I had never learned or made true the things I had to come up with on my own, unmade true when forgotten. This had disasterous effects on the aforementioned continuity that I had worked quite so hard to sustain.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Garbled Inferences IV

Announcer: Innntroducing.............HOP and DRAG

crowd: (screams and cries of ecstasy)

Hop and Drag, friends for life, a donkey and a sparrow. Hopes wings got broke off by a child when he was just a little one and drag's back legs got run over by a truck, never to fully function purposefully again.

Garbled Inferences III

The issue is will versus intention and the play between the two. The case of the roads brings into perspective the nature of the relationship. The intention is to get to where I am going ie a destination. Will imposes itself on the geography, but how will imposes itself if beyond my control. The situation with the street lights is similar and likely a far more concise was to explain this relationship. I didn't try to make the lights dim, I only intended on a level of conciousness that can best be described as skimming the juncture between the concious and uncouncious mind, a desire that is knowable, but the reason for that desire is not, on making it darker, how my will imposed itself on the world is not controlable.

( I hate this paragraph and will revise it drastically.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

garbled inferences II

As a child he was strange, even as a baby sucking on his mother's nipple, he'd be focusing on something else, looking anywhere, not focusing on the sustanance he was consuming and processing. Difficult too, cried, would not be consoled, when his first sibling was born his parents said that if his sister had been quite as impossible as he'd been they'd not have had a third. He walked an talked like the others, but sometimes would stray, maybe go somewhere else for a moment. Imaginative, but not prodigious, he'd build and draw more interested in color that shape, more interested in contrast than consistentcy. While more tame, his sisters were not so different, they had their lapses as well, they had their lapses as well.

garbled inferences part 1

I killed God.

Consider the consequences, consider the evidence, consider the truth, that is all I ask here and today. It has been fifteen years since I broke free, fifteen years of compiling all that is needed to resurrect a single stone, fifteen years to actualize what came to pass and to finally relinquish what I have taken.

While fifteen years have passed I have not been for the entirety of that time aware of the scope of what I accomplished. For the first ten I knew that there were things that changed, pressures were building, but the realization of fault was the keystone of my understanding. These are the fractures in the pane that have spidered out and in again to this moment of absolution.

The first and even now the most troublesome aspect to overcome has been the way in which will manifests itself. In the days before I knew, I was able to see the changes; when I walked at night, now and again a light would dim at my passing, while learning to find my way I'd always end up where I meant to go, no matter how much nonsense the route proved to be when retold and then mapped to the other side of the city. Somehow, I always got there, the roads were what started my thinking around the past. Lies, all lies I'd be told, but the lies were truths to me and somehow the justification was lost when it was forced to be drawn out. I know now however that I did get to where I was going precisely how I tried to get there, but these things can't be forced. When trying to reproduce the route for myself it failed, but these things need further explanation.

new ro-ad to freedom


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